中国医学创新  2023, Vol. 20 Issue (30): 100-104    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-4985.2023.30.024
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王娟① 李艳霞① 朱苗苗① 李代文① 顾清玉①
①电子科技大学医学院附属绵阳医院·绵阳市中心医院 四川 绵阳 621000
Effect of Mindfulness Cancer Recovery Training Combined with Acupoint Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine on the Adverse Reactions and Psychological State of Lung Cancer Patients after Chemotherapy
WANG Juan, LI Yanxia, ZHU Miaomiao, LI Daiwen, GU Qingyu
First-author's address: Mianyang Central Hospital, School of Medicine, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Mianyang 621000, China
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