中国医学创新  2024, Vol. 21 Issue (7): 15-19    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-4985.2024.07.004
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张恒① 邓学德①
①山东国欣颐养集团枣庄中心医院创伤骨科 山东 枣庄 277000
Effect of Alfacalcidol Assisted Percutaneous Minimally Invasive Internal Fixation on Extremity Fractures and Its Influence on ALP and OPG Levels
ZHANG Heng, DENG Xuede
First-author's address: Department of Traumatic Orthopedics, Shandong Guoxin Health Care Group Zaozhuang Central Hospital, Zaozhuang 277000, China
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