中国医学创新  2023, Vol. 20 Issue (14): 138-142    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-4985.2023.14.033
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李伟龙① 陈嘉裕① 黄岭志① 黄略① 廖红兴①
①广东省梅州市人民医院 广东 梅州 514000
Study on the Relationship between the Change of Blood Uric Acid Value and the Dissociation of Nucleus Pulposus in Patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation
LI Weilong, CHEN Jiayu, HUANG Lingzhi, HUANG Lüe, LIAO Hongxing
First-author's address: Meizhou People's Hospital, Guangdong Province, Meizhou 514000, China
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