中国医学创新  2024, Vol. 21 Issue (11): 28-32    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-4985.2024.11.007
  临床研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
李栋梁 崔卓航 蒋永佳 张鸿飞 刘敏
①中国人民解放军联勤保障部队庐山康复疗养中心(九江市171医院)骨科 江西 九江 332000
②九江学院附属医院骨科 江西 九江 332000
Comparison of the Application Effect of Different Prostheses in Total Knee Arthroplasty for Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
LI Dongliang, CUI Zhuohang, JIANG Yongjia, ZHANG Hongfei, LIU Min
First-author's address: Department of Orthopedics, Lushan Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Center of the Joint Support Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Jiujiang 332000, China
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