Analysis of the Efficacy of Montelukast Sodium Combined with Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus and Bacillus Cereus in the Treatment of Children with Abdominal Allergic Purpura
ZHANG Jun, QU Linlin
First-author's address: Department of Pediatrics, Suqian First People's Hospital, Suqian 223800, China
张军① 屈林林①. 孟鲁司特钠联合双歧杆菌四联活菌治疗儿童腹型过敏性紫癜的效果分析[J]. 中国医学创新, 2024, 21(33): 86-90.
ZHANG Jun,QU Linlin. Analysis of the Efficacy of Montelukast Sodium Combined with Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus and Bacillus Cereus in the Treatment of Children with Abdominal Allergic Purpura. 中国医学创新, 2024, 21(33): 86-90.