The Diagnostic Value of Combining Cath-D and miR-21 Levels with Dual-energy CT Spectral Data for Differentiating Renal Cancer from Renal Hamartoma Without Visible Fat
XIE Cheng, WAN Chenhao, HONG Xin
First-author's address: Department of Radiology, First People's Hospital of Fuzhou, Fuzhou 344000, China
谢程① 万晨浩① 洪欣①. Cath-D、miR-21水平联合双能量CT能谱数据对肾癌和乏脂肪肾错构瘤的鉴别诊断[J]. 中国医学创新, 2024, 21(34): 165-169.
XIE Cheng,WAN Chenhao,HONG Xin. The Diagnostic Value of Combining Cath-D and miR-21 Levels with Dual-energy CT Spectral Data for Differentiating Renal Cancer from Renal Hamartoma Without Visible Fat. 中国医学创新, 2024, 21(34): 165-169.