中国医学创新  2025, Vol. 22 Issue (1): 117-121    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-4985.2025.01.027
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李明 付姜峰 邱学文
①江西嘉佑曙光骨科医院骨科 江西 南昌 330000
Effects of Posterior Decompression Pedicle Screw Internal Fixation on Inflammatory Factors and Neuro Factors in Patients with Lumbar Vertebrae Fracture Complicated with Spinal Cord Injury
LI Ming, FU Jiangfeng, QIU Xuewen
First-author's address: Department of Orthopedics, Jiangxi Jiayou Shuguang Orthopedic Hospital, Nanchang 330000, China
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