Comparison of the Therapeutic Effects of Total Laparoscopic Unilateral Thyroidectomy Through Axillary Approach and Transthoracic Breast Approach for Unilateral Benign Thyroid Tumors
LI Jian, YAN Shunxin, LI Jiazhou
First-author's address: General Surgery Department, Shuyang Zhongxing Hospital, Shuyang 223600, China
李健① 严顺新① 李加洲①. 经腋窝入路与经胸乳入路全腔镜单侧甲状腺叶切除术治疗单侧甲状腺良性肿瘤的效果比较[J]. 中国医学创新, 2025, 22(4): 15-19.
LI Jian,YAN Shunxin,LI Jiazhou. Comparison of the Therapeutic Effects of Total Laparoscopic Unilateral Thyroidectomy Through Axillary Approach and Transthoracic Breast Approach for Unilateral Benign Thyroid Tumors. 中国医学创新, 2025, 22(4): 15-19.