Abstract Objective: To analyze the reconstruction and repairing methods and effects of comminuted fractures of anterior skull base. Method: 60 patients who suffered from the comminuted fractures of anterior skull base and who accepted treatment in our hospital from May 2012 to August 2014 were taken as the research objects to take the retrospective analysis. According to the CT examine results, the osseous reconstruction and the membranous reconstruction repairing surgeries were conducted. In addition, taking the titanium mesh and patients’ own bones as the repairing materials, the recovery situation after surgeries and the CT re-examine results were observed and written down. Result: Among 60 patients, one of them died due to the serious injuries, two of them were conducted the interventional therapy because of the internal artery injuries and were conducted the reconstruction and repairing surgeries later on. Then, the surgeris of another 59 of them succeeded. During the follow-up period, two of them suffered from intracranial infection, one of them suffered from leakage of cerebrospinal, one of them suffered from infection after the cranial through surgery. After the second surgery and the treatment of lumbar continuous drainage of fluid, the repairing effects at the places of fracture were good, and the continuity of bones was good without the complications of cranial meningocede and the leakage of cerebrospinal.Conclusion: The application of the osseous reconstruction and the membranous reconstruction repairing on the patients who suffer from comminuted fractures of anterior skull base can effectively recover the defects of bone dura mater. In addition, the occurrence rate of complications is low and the effect of surgeries is good. Thus, it should be promoted in the clinic applications.