Abstract Objective:To investigate the clinical application and effect of low dose dopamine combined cedilanidin children pulmonitis complicating congestive heartfailure.Method:60 cases children with pulmonitis complicatingcongestive heart failure were selected,and randomly divided into control group and therapy group,30 cases in eachgroup,all children were taken foundational treatment with inhaling oxygen, preventing asthma and anti-infection.Children
in control group were taken cedilanid,and children in therapy group were taken low dose dopamine combined cedilanid,then parameter of heart function and curative effect were contrasted between two groups.Result:Before treatment,twogroups of left ventricular ejection fraction(LVEF),left pre-ejection period(LPEP),left ventricular ejection time(LVET),and E/A, right pre-ejection period(RPEP), right ventricular ejection time( RVET) had no statisticallysignificant difference(P>0.05).After treatment, LVEF , LVET, E/A, RVET and clinical effective in the therapy groupwere higher than the control group, LPEP, RPEP in the therapy group were lower than the control group, the differenceswere statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:Low dose dopamine combined cedilanid can improve heart functionin children pulmonitis complicating congestive heart failure, raise clinical effect and had satisfactory curative effect.