The Changes of Biological Clock Genes’ Expression in PBLC of HIE Neonates |
Suzhou Municipal Hospital,Suzhou 215002,China |
Abstract Objective:To study the effect of circadian rhythm disorder induced by HIE in clock genes through the comparison changes of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy full-term neonates and normal neonates in the peripheral blood lymphocytes cell( PBLC) in biological clock gene Clock mRNA, Bmal1 mRNA levels.Method:32 patients of HIE and 24 normal full-term newborns were determinated by semi quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in PBLC Clock mRNA, Bmal1 mRNA,the difference between groups were compared.Result:In groups HIE the levels of Clock mRNA and Bmal1 mRNA displayed significantly lower than the control groups, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05),the changes trend of Bmal1 mRNA and Clock mRNA in peripheral blood lymphocytes of HIE groups were basically in the same.Conclusion:The expression of Clock mRNA and Bmal1 mRNA were abnormal in PBLC of HIE group, which may plays a certain role in hypoxia and ischemia occurred after the disorder of circadian rhythm.