Abstract Objective:To explore the current situation and the relationship of job satisfaction,job performance and career plateau in dental nurses.Method:The career plateau questionnaire,job satisfaction scale,job performance scale were adopted to carry out the questionnaire survey among 177 dental nurses in 5 comprehensive hospitals in Shenzhen.The results underwent statistical description,correlation were analyzed and regression analyzed. Result:The average scores of dental nurses’ career plateaus was 2-5 points,with an average of( 3.06±0.58) points,Centered plateau got the highest average score and content plateau the lowest.Job satisfaction score was 30-80 points,with an average of(61.52±10.36) points, the score of career plateau was significantly negatively correlated with job satisfaction (P<0.05).The content of plateau was a factor affecting job satisfaction,and the content and the level of plateau were influencing factors of job performance.Conclusion:Career plateau in dental nurses was in a moderate level,while job satisfaction and job performance were relatively low.Hospital managers should take in occupation development assistance strategy and reduce negative influence of career plateau to improve job satisfaction.