The Discussion of Perioperative Nursing in 25 Cases for Pancreaticoduodenal Resection |
The Gaozhou Hospitai of TCM in Maoming City,Gaozhou 525200,China |
Abstract Objective:To discuss the perioperative nursing methods of patients for pancreaticoduodenal resection,in order to improve the quality of nursing.Method:The clinical nursing data of 25 cases for pancreaticoduodenal resection admitted to our hospital in perioperative period from January 2012 to January 2014 were retrospectively
analyzed.Result:After the intensive care of nursing staffs in perioperative period,the 25 patients for pancreaticoduodenal resection were cured and discharged from hospital.In perioperative period,all patinets were mainly given conventional nursing,psychological care,complications nursing,diet nursing and drainage tube nursing.Conclusion:For analyzing and discussing the experience in conventional nursing,psychological care,complications nursing,diet nursing and drainage tube nursing on patients,find out the shortage and continuously improve the nursing methods,completely eradicate the occurrence of complications,promote the patients’ recovery,increase the curative effect,reduce the patients’ pain,improve the nursing quality.