The Epidemiologic Survey of OSAHS among Children and Adolescent in Dongguan District |
The People’s Hospital of Dongguan City, Dongguan 523059,China |
Abstract Objective:To survey epidemiological data of OSAHS among children and adolescent in Dongguandistrict. Method:The clinical data of 17 254 children and adolescent in Dongguan district were collected.Result:23.95% of children and adolescent presented OSAHS. Among 5 times s a week( including 5 times) of less than 3443cases, accounted for 83.33%;16.67% of children and adolescent who presented OSAHS snore more than five times aweek. 17 254 children and adolescent were divided into snoring group(n=4142) and no snoring group(n=13 122).There were significant differences in age, sex, height, weight, BMI, neck circumference, neck length and ratio of neckcircumference and neck length between two groups(P<0.05). There were no significant differences in“ Easy to wake up”and “Daytime sleepiness” between two groups(P>0.05). Except for“ Easy to wake up” and “Daytime sleepiness”,correlation between snoring and other factors were significant(P<0.01).Conclusion:The morbidity of OSAHS amongchildren and adolescent in Dongguan district is high. We could pay more attention to OSAHS.