Abstract Objective: To analyze the behaviors and habits of TB patients with diabetes mellitus, includingsmoking, drinking, out-door activities and in-door ventilation, then to discuss the relationship between behaviorsand diseases. Method: 284 TB patients with diabetes mellitus in one of the hospitals in Qingdao were selectedasparticipants and were investigated by using cross-section investigation from November 2011 to December 2013. The
trained investigators were responsible for distributing questionnaires to the patients and the questionnaires were involvingpatients’ basic information( age, gender, height, weight, and blood pressure) and related behavioral habits( out-dooractivity, ventilation, and stay up in the night) before they started their first treatment.Result: Among the 284 patients,67.3% of them had smoking history. The patients with 30 years smoking history are the most( 57.6%); the patients with20-29 years smoking history accounted for 24.6% in total; the patients who smoke for 10-19 years represented 11.0%.In addition, heavy smokers accounted for 74.3% of the TB patients with diabetes mellitus; moderate smokers represented8.9%; 16.8% of them were light smokers. Similarly, 35.9% of the TB patients with diabetes mellitus had drinking history,among them, the drinkers with above 30 years drinking history represented 58.8% of the total patients; patients with 20-29 years drinking represented 27.5%, patients with 10-19 years drinking history represented 9.8%, and patients with lessthan 10 years drinkinghabit represented 3.9%. In the meantime, the number of the patients who did less than 2 hours perday out-door activities was the largest, representing 60.2% of the total patients; patients who did more than 2 hours outdooractivities per day represented 22.2%, and patients who never did out-door activities represented 17.6%. In addition,56.3% patients opened the window for more than 2 hours per day; 34.2% for less than 2 hours per day; 7.7% for less than0.5 hour per day and 1.8% patients did not even have the ventilation habit. Moreover, 59.5% of patients did not stay uplate; 29.2% occasionally stayed up in the night, and only 11.3% of patients often stayed up. Conclusion: The majorityof the TB patients with diabetes mellitus had smoking history as heavy smokers and lacked of out-door activities. Mostpatients did not have ventilation habit.