中国医学创新  2015, Vol. 12 Issue (12): 80-83    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-4985.2015.12.026
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Analysis of Eugenic Adverse Factors Exposure Among Fertile Couples in Guangzhou Suburb
Guangzhou City Population and Family Planning Science Institute,Guangzhou 510410,China
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Abstract  Objective:To analyse the eugenic adverse factors exposure among fertile couples,and explore the importance of health education in preconception care.Method:A total of 563 fertile couples were investigated with questionnaires.The correlating items were:general condition,family history,history of diseases,adverse factors exposure in working and living environment, life style and pattern of behaviour, Social psychological factors,et al. Result:The order of adverse factors women exposed was:frequently usage of cellphone,hair drier,hair coloring,perm or hair treatment,working with computer and watch TV frequently.The order of adverse factors their spouses exposed was:frequently usage of cellphone,smoking and alcohol. Conclusion:It’s not so popularization of preconception care in Guangzhou suburb district.It’s very important to spread health education widely,and to guide fertile couples avoiding adverse factors exposure which could cause birth defects or adverse pregnancy outcome.
Key wordsFertile couple      Eugenics      Adverse factor      Exposure     
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