Analysis on the Causes of Newborn’s Scleredema of Warm Area |
Guangdong Province Pengjiang Jiangmen Duruan Town Hospital,Jiangmen 529075,China |
Abstract Objective:To analyze the cause of newborn’s scleredema warm region.Method:93 cases of newborn’s scleroderma of the warm area( 53 males and 40 females)were collected from January 2011 to June 2014 in our hospital pediatric clinic diagnosed,statistical analysis was performed on all children on admission season and disease,simultaneous detection of clinically relevant indicators in children.Children were divided into mild group of 76 cases and severe group of 17 cases.Preterm children( included low birth weight) were compared with term children, infection with non-infected, as well as other relevant factors, such as the occurrence of induced scleroderma.Result:After treatment of the disease in children with all different seasons statistics, we could see in warm areas the incidence of newborn mild and severe groups were not affected by winter temperatures, each the number of seasonal incidence of mild and severe remained unchanged( incidence of children with mild group every season which averaged 19 cases, the average number of children with severe group’s incidence of 4 cases). There shock and pulmonary bleeding in children were relatively more, the number of male children with 16 cases slightly higher than the number of female children of 14 cases, all total of 30 cases,therefore, there were shock and pulmonary hemorrhage some impact on neonates. Checked small number of children with symptoms of DIC, the difference was not statistically significant( P>0.05).All children with clinical response statistics showed that the number of mild children were all significantly higher than children with severe, mild preterm of 58 cases were significantly higher than that of 14 cases of severe preterm, mild infection children of 47 cases were significantly higher than that children with severe infection of 12 cases.Preterm children and children with mild infections surpassed majority.In the group of children with mild, full-term children, the non-infected children, asphyxia children and nonobvious symptoms of asphyxia proportion of children were more than severe group.All patients in the clinical reflected differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion:The main causes of newborn warm regions can be from children with infection, shock, and pulmonary hemorrhage and other factors concerned, no seasonality, which for preterm children( including low birth weight) that pay more attention to high-risk groups, and give timely treatment.