Abstract Objective:To understand and analyze the etiological diagnosis and treatment in less than 1 year old children with community-acquired pneumonia(CAP), in order to improving the prognosis, and promote their recovery. Method:200 children with CAP in less than 1 year old were admitted in this study from July 2013 to July 2014 ,and sputums were collected from nasopharyngeal for bacterial culture, indirect immunofluorescence was used to assay specific IgM of respiratory pathogen in blood..Result:There were found that 120 positive samples in 200 specimens, accounting for 60.0%.There were 88%( 88/100) positive pathogens in children in age of 1 to 6 months, which was significant higher than that in age of 6 months to 1 year 32%(32/100), the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).There were significantly higher risk to had CAP in spring than in other quarters, and in winter was the less, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:Children in less than 1 year old with CAP are mainly occurred in spring,and in children under 6 months, and the virus are the main infection pathogens , so there need to take preventive methods to reduce or control the disease, and to protect children grow up healthy.