Abstract Objective:To study core needle biopsy of no ultrasonic guidance in diagnosis of palpable breast tumor in Basic Hospital.Method:Retrospectively analyze core needle biopsy in 120 cases of palpable breast tumor.The clinical and pathology data were recorded and used crosstable test to analyze the effect of maximal and minimal tumor size,and TNM stage on the results.Sensitivity, specificity, the positive rate of accuracy, the positive predictive value, the negative predictive value, the false negative rate and the underestimate rate were concluded.Result:No significant diffrence was found among the groups of difrerent maximal tumor size,minimal tumor size and TNM stage( P>0.05).The sensitivity of the cases was 93.2%, the specificity was 100%, the positive rate of accuracy was 95.5%, the positive predictive value was 100%, the negative predictive value was 88.0%, the false negative rate was 15.8%, the underestimate rate was 33.3%. Conclusion:For the diagnosis of the suspicious malignant palpable mass,core needle biopsy of no ultrasonic guidance is effective,safe,microtraumatic and suitable to be used in different-class hospitals.