Survey about the Influence of Venous Indwelling on Quality of Sleep in Patients with Gynecological Hospital |
Baoan District Shiyan People’s Hospital of Shenzhen City, Shenzhen 518108,China |
Abstract Objective:To investigate the effect of intravenous indwelling on sleep quality of patients in department of gynecology.Method:198 patients in department of gynaecology in our hospital from March 2013 to February 2014 were selected as the research object, and were randomly divided into two groups( control group:non intravenous indwelling needle group; the experimental group:the vein indwelling needle group), application of PSQI( Pittsburgh sleep quality index) and self rating Anxiety Scale( SAS), self rating Depression Scale( SDS), SDS, SAS and quality of sleep, the quality of sleep improvement situation of two groups were explored.Result:In experimental group after treatment, SAS,SDS score were significantly higher than that of control group(P<0.05), the total score of PSQI compared with control group, difference was significant( P<0.05).Conclusion:The influence of Intravenous indwelling on gynecological patients’ sleep quality is very important, clinical attention should be paid.