The Influence of Increase of Happiness Training on Cognition Function and Social Function in Patients with Schizophrenia |
The Second People’s Hospital in Dezhou,Dezhou 253000,China |
Abstract Objective:To investigate the influence of increase of happiness training on cognition function and social function in patients with schizophrenia.Method:According to classification and diagnostic criteria of mental disorders, Third Edition China( CCMD-3) in 84 patients withschizophrenia diagnostic criteria, were randomly divided
into two groups. Study group received well-being enhancement training combined with quetiapine in treatment,control group received single Yongkuiquetiapine,the positive and negative syndrome scalePANSS,Wisconsin Card Sorting Test WCST and continuous operation test to evaluate the curative effect of CPT.Result:After 12 week study group PANSS total, positive factor, negative factor score and WCST and CPT in W1, W2, C1, C2 compared with those before treatment were significantly different, and the treatment for 12 weeks with PANSS total scores and positive factor, had more negative factor score and W1, W2, C1, C2 and control group very significant difference.Conclusion:The increase in happiness of training not only can improve the clinical efficacy in patients with schizophrenia, and the schizophrenia cognitive function and social function of patients also has the distinct improvement.