Abstract Objective:To study the current situation and influencing factors of nosocomial infection of in-patients.In order to provide the scientific basis for perfecting some protective measures of hospital infection.Method: A crosssectional study was carried out. That was to say combining clinical investigation and accessc the medical records. Statistical
analysis of the survey data, which was investigated the prevalence of nosocomial infection of all in-patients during 0:00am to 00:00 pm on July 9th, 2013(not including the day of new patients) .Result:The survey investigitions 654 cases which counted 99.54%. The nosocomial infection rate was 3.69%. Cases infection rate was 3.99%.Breathing machine correlation lung infection rate was 42.85%. The major infection part was lower respiratory tract, which was 61.54%.Hospital infection rates of top three departments, in turn,was ICU 40% neuro surgery 11.76% the emergency department 8.33%.In 26 cases of the nosocomial infection cases,17 samples were sent to check.The examination rate was 65.38%. There were 16 isolated pathogens.The most common pathogenic bacteria of nosocomial infection were gram-positive bacteria.Which was 62.50%.The second was fungi accounted for 31.25%.The percentage of anti-microbial application was 40.71%.One combination drug was used for 86.79%;two combination drugs for 13.21%.Treatment with anti-bacterial drugs specimens of pathogenic microorganism inspection rate of 37.58%.Conclusion:By investigating the prevalence of nosocomial infection, which provide an understanding of the updated situation.A high incidence of hospital infection in department and the key link is the focus of the hospital infection management in the future.