中国医学创新  2015, Vol. 12 Issue (04): 129-131    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-4985.2015.04.043
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The Clinical Analysis of FFN and B Ultrasound Cervical Length Measurement Joint Inspection to Predict Premature
Meizhou City Dapu County Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital,Dapu 514200,China
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Abstract  Objective:To analyze the clinical value of FFN and B ultrasound cervical length measurement joint inspection of predict premature.Method:82 cases of pregnant women with aura singleton pregnant women in preterm labor symptoms in our hospital maternity department regular prenatal were chosen as the research object, and all pregnant women underwent FFN detection and B ultrasound cervical length measurement, and the cervical length with FFN
positive and cervical length respectively 30 mm or less was used as the basis of labor.The FFN detection, B ultrasonic measuring cervical length and the joint inspection to predict the clinical value of premature were compared and analyzed.Result:82 cases of aura preterm pregnant women, a total of 36 cases of preterm delivery, the incidence of premature birth were 43.90%( 36/82).FFN detection forecast preterm birth a sensitivity of 80.56%,specificity of 89.13%, positive predictive value was 85.29%,and negative predictive value was 85.42%; B ultrasound measurement of cervical length was respectively 76.32%,78.26%,72.97%,78.26%.The joint detection was 97.22%,91.30%,89.74%,91.30% in turn.FFN,B ultrasound cervical length measurement and joint inspection to predict premature sensitivity,specificity,positive predictive value and negative predictive value were higher than the two separate check forecast, and on the sensitivity and negative predictive value the difference statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:FFN and B ultrasound cervical length measurement joint inspection preterm labor can effectively improve both the single prediction of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value, thus improve the premature forecast accuracy.
Key wordsPremature forecast      Fiber links protein      The cervical length      B ultrasound     
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TU Yun-zhen.
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TU Yun-zhen.. The Clinical Analysis of FFN and B Ultrasound Cervical Length Measurement Joint Inspection to Predict Premature[J]. 中国医学创新, 2015, 12(04): 129-131.
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