Effect Observation of Stereotactic Catheter Drainage in Treatment of Deep Hypertensive IntracerebralHemorrhage |
Qiaotou Hospital of Dongguan,Dongguan 523523,China
Abstract Objective:To explore the clinical effects of stereotactic catheter drainage in treatment of deephypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage.Method:62 cases of patients with deep hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhagein our hospital from March 2008 to July 2014,received stereotactic duct drainage treatment,according to GOS scorethe therapeutic effect was analyzed.Result:24-72 h after extubation, 30 days after the fine was 79.03%; excellent after2-30 months was 91.93%.Conclusion: Deep hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage take stereotactic catheter drainagetreatment,clinical efficacy can be further improve,especially for patients with less hematoma volume significantlybetter,with a clinical value.