The Outcome Analysis of Polycystic Ovary syndrome in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Pregnancy |
Luoyang Center Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University,Luoyang 471000,China |
Abstract Objective:To evaluate the polycystic ovary syndrome( PCOS) with infertility were treated by invitro fertilization-embryo transfer( IVF-ET) curative effect and characteristics of assisted reproduction treatment.Method: 52 cycles PCOS infertility factor in IVF-ET medical records in 2013 year were analysed retrospectively as groupA, and 102 cycles tubal factor IVF-ET cases in the same period as controls of group B.Result:Compared PCOS groupand tubal factor group analysis: age, infertility time, BMI, the number of eggs, portable designed the Gn days, embryonumber and risk of OHSS cancel graft rate comparison, the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). PCOSpatients compared with tubal factor group more young, shorter infertility time, higher body mass index( BMI),longer Gntime,more egg number, more corresponding portable embryos and OHSS risk increased significantly. But two groups ofdesigned the Gn dosage, endometrium thickness, 2 PN fertilization rate, cleavage rate, good embryo rate and the clinicalpregnancy rate were no statistically significant difference.Conclusion:PCOS patients of infertility with the IVF-ET assistreproduction can be obtained IVF-ET assist similar curative effect with the tubal factor, but should pay attention to preventthe risk of OHSS.