Abstract Objective:To investigate the present situation prevalence of hyperuricemia in Beijing and to analyze the risk factors.Method: 900 cases physical adults from January 2013 to December 2013 in Beijing were randomly selected, they were given routine physical and uric acid detection, the prevalence situation of hyperuricemia with questionnaire survey were observed,and the risk factors were analyzed.Result:(1)There were 80 cases with HUA among 900 people,the incidence rate was 8.89%.The incidence rate in people less than 40 years,40 years to 50 years,51 years to 60 years and more than 61 years old were respectively 0.90%,5.56%,12.96%,15.38%,the incidence rates grew following ages,the incidence rate of women was 7.31%,which was lower than 10.39% of male.(2)Gender,age,eating red meat,alcohol,BMI,high cholesterol,kidney function decline were major risk factors of hyperuricemia in Beijing(P<0.05).Conclusion:The incidence rate of hyperuricemia is high in older men,reduce red meat intake, stop drinking, reduce weight, control cholesterol reasonablely,and protect renal function are the keys for HUA prevention.