Abstract Objective:To investigate influence of pre-injection Butorphanol on myoclonus caused by Etomidateduring induction of general anesthesia.Method:To be under general anesthesia for elective surgery were 180 cases,ASA Ⅰ or Ⅱ, male 85 cases, female 95 cases, aged 20 to 65 years old, weighing 42-59 kg, were randomly divided intobutorphanol group( group B), Sufentanil group( S group) and control group( N group), 60 cases in each group. GroupB received butorphanol 20 μg/kg( total not more than 2 mg); S group received sufentanil 0.2 μg/kg, N group given thesame volume of saline, 1 min threegroups of patients after intravenous injection of etomidate acetate 0.3 mg/kg, injectiontime 30 s and continued to observe for 2 min, spasm conditions was observed and the severity was assessed.Result:Ofthe three groups of patients during induction BP, HR difference was not statistically significant, all patients SpO2> 97%;compared with the N group, group B, S myoclonic patients significantly reduced the number of cases 1,2,3,muscleArray twin significantly lower incidence(P<0.05).Conclusion:Preinjection 20 μg/kg butorphanol can effectivelyreduce lead time etomidate induced myoclonus occur.