Abstract Objective: To study the predictive effect of operation treatment from ultrasonic measurement ofintravesical protrusion degree in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients. Method: 100 cases of BPH in our hospital fromSeptember 2010 to 2013 September were retrospective analyzed. According to the degree of intravesical prostatic protrusion(IPP),patients were divided into A group(IPP>5 mm)and B group(IPP<5 mm). the two groups with maximum urine
flow rate, International prostate symptom score and postoperative complications were contrasted.Result:Maximal urinaryflow rate of group B was higher than that of group A,without significant difference(P>0.05).International prostatesymptom score of B group was significantly lower than that of A group,with significant difference( P<0.05).Postoperativecomplications of B group was lower than that of A group,with significant difference( P<0.05).Conclusion:Ultrasonic
measurement of intravesical protrusion degree in BPH patients can be used to predict of postoperative international prostatesymptom score and postoperative complications and is helpful to predict prognosis.