Progress in the Clinical Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
The People’s Hospital of Meizhou,Meizhou 514000,China |
Abstract Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease( COPD) is one of the common chronic disease of respiratorydepartment of internal medicine clinical most, refers to a airflow limitation as the main clinical manifestations of respiratorytract diseases associated with reduced lung function, more common in elderly patients, the prognosis is poor, is currentlythe leading cause of death in patients. Current clinical treatment for COPD mainly include drug treatment, operation
treatment, mechanical ventilation in the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, treatment, albumin therapy andassisted exercise therapy, and its main purpose is to improve the patient’s clinical symptoms, control the progress of thedisease. The author in recent years China National Knowledge Infrastructure( CNKI) included in COPD treatment ofrelated literatures were retrieved and summarized advances in the clinical treatment of these diseases are summarized.