2019 Vol.16,No.1
Published 2019-01-05
Objective:To use the 3D reconstruction of the machine to test the success of the traditional lateral ventricular occipital approach,and looking for a better Angle of puncture.Method:A total of 102 cases with enlarged lateral ventricle were selected by CT examination of Fujian provincial hospital.Based on the original data of the 3D spiral CT of the skull,the 3D virtual model of skull and lateral ventricle was established by using computer 3D reconstruction technique as the definition of the lateral ventricle 6.0 cm above the outer tuberosity of the occipital,3.5 cm by the middle line was the puncture point,and the puncture direction points to the same side of the eyebrows,the root of the nose, the midpoint of the orbit,the lateral canthus of the orbit,and the depth of puncture in the direction of the eyebrow were measured.Result:The 3D reconstruction of the machine to test the success of the traditional lateral ventricular occipital approach,the statistical results showed that the success rate of the puncture direction points to eyebrows was higher than that points to the middle of the orbit,which was statistically significant(P<0.05),the average puncture depth was (42.79±2.80)mm.Conclusion:Computer-aided simulation of lateral ventricle occipital angle puncture confirmed the success rate of traditional puncture method, and found that the success rate of puncture direction for eyebrow was significantly higher than that of midpoint orbital margin, which could provide reference for clinical practice.
2019 Vol. 16 (1): 1-5 [Abstract]( 677 ) HTML (1 KB) PDF (5905 KB) ( 132 )